Business Administration
I have 11 years of experience in Business Administration and Management
in private companies, universities
and public administration departments both in Spain, United States and in Latin
This experience includes team leadership, project direction, budget
and financial management, marketing, ISO9001:2000 and
process reengineering.
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From 06/09 to present, Government Websites Standardization Project Manager (Presidential House, Government of El Salvador).
Direction of the Web policy in the Salvadoran Government.
Implementation of this policy in 40 Salvadoran organizations.
- Implementation of 55 e-government standards.
- Implementación of a standard navigation system.
- Design of a Web 2.0 policy, URL regulation and Web presence policy.
From 08/08 to 05/09, Administrative Assistant at UNICEF USA (Houston, Texas), performing secretarial work.
From 09/06 to 07/08, Full-time Teacher
at IES Botànic Cavanilles (La
Vall d'Uixó, Castellón, Spain). Coordination of Computer
Science Teachers.
- From 07/07 to 08/07, Process Reengineering
Consultant for UNDP El Salvador (by a Special Services Agreement).
Reengineering of administrative processes.
From 08/05 to 03/06, Chief Information
Officer at Defensoría
del Consumidor. Direction of the IT Department (eleven
people in four offices distributed geographically). Coordination
of the IT aspects of the work of 200 employees .
From 02/04 to 04/05, Academic Director at University Francisco
Gavidia (San Salvador, El Salvador) Direction of Deans, Faculties
and several teaching and research teams. Direction of international
cooperation programs. Internal auditor ISO9001:2000.
From 08/98 to 01/04, Chief Executive Office
at Aurum Solutions. Direction of a private
software development company, including budget, financial
aspects and marketing.
Some samples
These are some samples which attest
my experience in business administration and management:
Business plan
for a new education center in San Salvador providing professional training and post graduate
education (including a Microsoft Project
Gantt chart).
2005. Documents attesting my work as
Chief Information Office at Defensoría del Consumidor:
daily log registering the task I did every day,
an activities record of the IT support this Department did under my coordination between 09/28/2005 and 10/20/2005, the
of IT Department under my Direction and some
planning documents
regulations of this department elaborated
by me
2005. Documents about my work as
Director at
University Francisco Gavidia: a
daily log registering
the task I did every day, the
achievements of Academic
Direction, a
project to introduce e-learning into
the University, some
documents and
regulations of
the Academic Direction elaborated by me.
Company profile of
Solutions which
attests my work as a
Chief Executive Officer of this company.