I have solid experience in designing and implementing e-government across an entire government.
I have created new e-government policies, methodologies, tools, rules and plans. I have implemented e-government projects that involve tens of different government agencies.
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From 06/09 to present, National Director of Government Websites and E-Government (Presidential House, Government of El Salvador).
- Direction of the Web and e-government policy in the Salvadoran government.
- Creation of the E-government Strategic Plan 2010-2015 for El Salvador.
- Design of several technological tools, including the e-government interoperability platform and the e-government portal.
- Implementation of 55 e-government standards in 40 government agencies.
- Design and implementation of a standard navigation system for government websites.
- Design and enforcement of a Web 2.0 policy, URL regulations and Web presence policy.
- From 08/05 to 03/06, Chief
Information Officer at Defensoría
del Consumidor. Analysis, design and implementation of e-government web services related to Consumer Protection.
- From 09/06 to 07/08, IT teacher (civil servant for the Spanish government). Development of e-government applications.
Some samples
These are some samples of my work in e-government: